A professor trading card game for the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Table of Contents


The Problem

Many students experience a sense of disconnection from their professors, whether it be due to large class sizes or even just a lack of personal interaction in small classes. Moreover, many are interested in learning more about their professors and have questions about what they are researching and the projects they are working on. However, it can be difficult to network and make connections with professors and ask those questions directly.

The Solution

Trading card games are very popular, and this neat twist involves the UH Manoa community and fosters a sense of belonging at the institution. It encourages students to make friends and bond with their classmates as well. Every 24 hours, students can open a card pack to receive a new trading card containing fun facts about their professor. Each trading card is unique to that semester and limited based on class size, thus encouraging students to collect trading cards of varying styles and rarity. Learning more about their research and projects may inspire students interested in conducting their own research and projects to come up with ideas and seek out potential mentors.

Link to GitHub organization: ProfTCG

Link to team contract: Team Contract

User Guide

This section provides an overview of the ProfTCG interface (available at

Landing Page

The landing page is first displayed to you upon visiting the top-level site URL. A randomized display of a few cards is available and are clickable.

Card Encyclopedia Page

A prospective user may want to look through the rest of our encyclopedia of cards to see our other interesting cards before signing up. Each card has a rarity, as well as a name and image associated with a professor in our ICS department.

Sign-Up Page

After getting an overview of the amazing cards you can collect, you'll be eager to sign up here!


And when you come back to trade more cards, signing in will be just as easy.

Home Page (User)

Upon signing in, you'll be presented with additional functionality in the navigation bar at the top. There is a marketplace for trading cards, a page for opening card packs, and a display of the cards in your collection.

Home Page (Admin)

Admins get an extra Add Cards feature - we'll take a look at that later.

Card Marketplace Page

In the marketplace, a list of all the cards other users have put up for trade can be explored. You can take anyone up on their trade offer so long as your card has at least the same rarity as theirs.

This is what it looks like after clicking Request Trade.

Card Pack Page

Here you can open card packs. Currently, the only pack available is a Standard Pack, which can be opened once daily. It contains one card of any rarity.

Your Cards Page

Here your cards are displayed, sorted by rarity. So far, testJohn has only opened one card pack, so his only card is present within. Hopefully he can build up a better collection in the future!

Every card - the ones on the landing page, home page, encyclopedia, and marketplace - can be clicked to open a text description containing colorful and informative tidbits that are interesting, relevant to one's studies, and sometimes, hopefully, funny.

Add Cards Page (Admin)

Finally, we reach the special Admin Only feature - Add Cards. Here, an admin account can select a valid professor from our listing, assign the card a rarity and back description, and choose how many cards of that type are created (to then be opened in a card pack).

As you can see, so far we have only implemented UH Manoa ICS professors.

Sign-Out Page

We welcome you to come back soon upon signing out with a friendly .gif. Sadly, he does not move in this screenshot...

Community Feedback

We asked users to test our deployed application and provide feedback on their experience. Here’s a summary of what they said.





Suggestions for Future Updates:

Developer Guide




Modifying and Testing

Publishing Changes

Continuous Integration


ProfTCG uses GitHub Actions to automatically run ESLint and TestCafe each time a commit is made to the default branch. You can see the results of all recent “workflows” at

The workflow definition file is quite simple and is located at .github/workflows/ci.yml.


Link to deployed application:

Development History

The development process for ProfTCG conformed to Issue Driven Project Management practices. In a nutshell:

Milestone 1: Mockup development

The goal of Milestone 1 was to create mockups of the pages in the system.

Milestone 1 was managed using ProfTCG GitHub Project Board M1.

Milestone 2: Improve functionality and quality

The goal of Milestone 2 was to implement our planned pages and improve the functionality and quality of the application.

Milestone 2 was managed using ProfTCG GitHub Project Board 2.

Milestone 3: Add data and open project to public testing

The goal of Milestone 3 is to significantly improve the functionality of the application, incorporate a significant amount of “real” data, and solicit feedback rom “real” users.

Milestone 3 was managed using ProfTCG GitHub Project Board 3.

Contact Us

ProfTCG is developed by UH Manoa ICS students Kent Burgess, Lucas Horsman, Donald Lipps, Samantha Mallari, and Ethan Morrell.